Member Application

All businesses and organizations are welcome to join, that is regardless if your business is located in Colerain Township or an adjacent community. Membership is payable in advance and is continuous unless cancelled in writing at least two weeks in advance of the annual due date. Note: Two part-time employees are equivalent to one full-time employee, when calculating the number of employees for the Membership Package.

Step 1:

Member Info
Please add your company name.
Please add your company phone number.
Please add a valid email.
Physical Address
Please add your address.
Please add your country.
Please add your City.
Please add your State.
Please add your Postal Code.
Mailing Address
Please add your address.
Please add your country.
Please add your City.
Please add your State.
Please add your Postal Code.
Social Network Addresses

Step 2:

Additional Info
Please select a directory category.
Please add your number of full-time employees.
Please add your number of part-time employees.

Step 3:

Primary Contact
Please add your first name.
Please add your last name.
Please add your phone number.
Please add a valid email.

Contact Preference

Please add your address.
Please add your country.
Please add your City.
Please add your State.
Please add your Postal Code.
Create Account
Please add your login password.

Step 4:

Billing Contact

Contact Preference

Create Account

Step 5:

Membership Package
Please select a Membership Package
Additional Options:
Payment Option
Please complete the Captcha