Friday Nov 13, 2020
This networking event will be conducted remotely with web-tools which are easily accessed from your phone or computer; ZOOM conference information is contained below. Attendance is Free to chamber members and guests.
Dave Moravec, President Upcoming Topics Include:Networking Event - Life in Colerain during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Date and Time
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
Meeting ID: 208 952 6778
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Topic: Networking Event - Life in Colerain during the COVID-19 Pandemic (11-13-20)
Time: Friday Nov 13, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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This Zoom conference call/web meeting continues to provide current information on the challenges and solutions available for chamber members during these trying times. This week's guests will be discussing wrap up activities around the year 2020 and small business planning for the coming year 2021.
Many business owners are busy working in their business and hope to get working "ON" their business. This is a opportunity to hear how you can take first steps in the budgeting and planning area.
As we have done in the previous sessions, we will give each attendee the opportunity to share more about their business and a brief update on them. This networking event will be conducted remotely with easy access from your phone or computer; detailed log-in information is listed to the right of this message. Moderated by Colerain Chamber of Commerce President Dave Moravec.