Thursday May 8, 2025
Thursday, Upcoming meetings will be held at White Oak Christian Church. Dates in 2025 : January 9th February 13th March 13th April 10th May 8th June 12th July 10th August 14th September 11th October 9th November 13th December 4th (at Side by Side Hub for Holiday Party)Colerain H.O.P.E. (Helping Our People Everyday)
Date and Time
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT
3:30-4:00 Networking
4:00-5:00 Meeting Location
Are you a 501 c-3 organization?
Are you looking to tell your story?
Are you looking for volunteers and to promote your events?
This group is open to non-profit organizations that would benefit from networking with other non-profits in the area and sharing resources. The Colerain H.O.P.E. has a purpose driven mission and intends to support four events per year including the Health & Safety Fair (August) and Colerain Giveback Day (October/November). This group meets regularly on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 4:00pm and networking starts at 3:30pm.
Purpose: Address community challenges together and support one another
Objective: Come together to support one event quarterly in the community
Focus: Children, Youth, Seniors, Environment
Please reach out to Gail Nolte at for additional details.